Brooklynn Hathcock

Friday, May 29, 2020

Woke up at 6:00 A.M. on the dot this morning, with no alarm. So I think that’s some progress. Took a shower and now I’m going to do my workout. I’ll write more later on in the day!

Thursday, May 28, 2020

I was supposed to start my workout and diet plan today… but I literally have no control over myself when it comes to food. My friends will say “lets get something to eat!” and right away I let myself go. I’m really going to try, because I am breaking out so badly and I just can’t stand it.

My workout and diet plan isn’t that crazy hard anyways, the only hard thing is to actually change my habits and stay consistent with it.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Breaking out so badly. Maybe I’ll start a diet plan and workout more.

Today wasn’t too bad, my sister was with her friends and I had to drive them all around. I’m a people-person, so I did’t think that this would be to bad, BUT IT WAS BAD!

Her friends don’t talk. At all. Not one word.

I try to make conversation, nothing.

I try to make a joke, no smile.

I swear, this had to be the most annoyed I’ve been in a longggggggggg time.

They wanted to go to Riverbends, so I drove to Riverbends. Then they offered Stoney Creek park, so we go to Stoney. Then they decide they want to go BACK to Riverbends… so. we. go. to. river. bends. haha. Isn’t this fun?? RIGHT?!! And you’ll never guess… THEY WANT TO GO BACK TO STONEY TO MEET THEIR OTHER FRIENDS! Oh no, no. I KINDLY told them to just tell their friends to come to Riverbends, and I get back, “They don’t know where it is.”

“Well send them the address or your location?”

“No, they don’t want to come.”

“Well do they know that we have been there and back like five times?”


“So tell them to just come here, I’m sorry but I’m getting tired of driving.”

“Oh, they said they are already here.”


That was my day, oh yeah, then i took an eight hour “nap” when I got home.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Came back from my cousins today, its sooooo nice out! Planning on tanning and just being outside all day. So no time to blog, I gotta soak up that sun!

Monday, May 25, 2020

Memorial Day!

Today my cousins came over (and now I am currently at their house spending the night) and we had hot dogs and swam all day! Such nice weather, it feels like summer! The trampoline always gets put out on this day, so woohoo!  We all spent the whole day doing flips on the trampoline and just having fun. It was a really good day.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

I had my friends over today for a bit, we had a bonfire and made smore’s. Is that how you even spell smore’s?

I remember at Springhill the “camp leader” people would pretend like they didn’t know what smore’s were, and as a 10 year old Brooklynn… I got mad. I thought, “this is summer camp, and we’re not going to have smore’s?!” And I would describe it to them, to what I thought was, so vividly, but no.

“Some more of what?”


That’s my little flash back of Springhill, enjoy.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Just came back from Amanda’s, I am exaustedddd!

Whenever I sleep over there, I ALWAYS, and I mean ALWAYS, come back at 11 A.M. SHARP!

Tires me out because we stay up all night until around four in the morning… then when we actually go to bed, I can’t sleep because we had so much candy, I’m on a sugar rush!

Besides from that, I came home and showered. I played lacrosse for a bit with my sister, then at some point fell asleep… but I don’t know when…

Friday, May 22, 2020

Today I’m finishing up some homework, then right after this blog I’ll be heading out to my friend Amanda’s house to have a bonfire with her friends. Then I’m gonna sleep over there, woohoo!

Now that I am starting to see my friends more, it puts me in such a better mood. I was honestly getting so depressed and tired in the beginning of this quarantine because of the fact I could t see anyone! I really ope this all ends soon and places start opening up, I miss my “old life” haha.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Today I woke up at eight in the morning to meet Kyle Campbell, a senior at Utica, and take his graduation pictures. We drove out to downtown Rochester and he looked in the backseat to grab his tassle… but realized he left it at home… “shocker”. Kyle is always so forgetful.

We drove back to his house and he found it on the stairs, he said he “must have dropped it on his way out”… tsk tsk.

It as SO HOT today, so instead of taking pictures, we ending up picking up my sister, Shea, and Annie to get food. We ended up picking Fuddruckers and we took it to the Nature Center at Riverbends to eat it.

After that, we drove around, went to his and my friend’s house (Burns’) and then went back to my house after that. We all swam in my lake, it was soooooo nice. I can’t wait until the trampoline gets put in!

After that, we all went to the Dairy Queen in Vandyke, came back and ate our ice cream, then just hung out until around 1 in the morning. Long night!

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Pretty bland day. Did some homework and I also did some workouts. Nothing exciting today.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Finally finished “Outer Banks”, and OMG!! I 10/10 recommend it. At first, I thought it was very predictable and I thought it was kinda stupid… but the  the ending was such a surprise! Didn’t expect it at all, but with that said, it’s so good!

After finishing this show, I called my friend Annie and told her how good it was, she told me “I knew you’d like it!”.

I have never been big on Netflix shows, especially the Netflix Originals… they are really girly to me haha. It seems like a show a 13 year old would watch. So when I say that this show was good, IT WAS GOOD!

Monday, May 18, 2020

Oh! I forgot to say in Saturday or Sunday’s blog… forget which day it was… but I went on a 2-ish hour drive with my two cousins to Grand Haven. It was pretty cool! Until it started pouring on us half way walking through the pier… then having to drive half-naked home… HAHA!

Today I woke up pretty late again, but not as late as yesterday, thank gosh.

Did my school work and now I’m stress-free! All caught up-to-date and I’m all good! Except for my Chemistry class… It’s really hard…

Planning on finishing “Outer Banks” tonight, so there will definitely be a review tomorrow!

Rained all day and the power went out for a bit… that’s about it for this blog!

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Today was the first day that I have slept in for this long… I think I was in bed until around three in the afternoon… jeez.

Besides from that, I got another college talking to me about lacrosse, it’s in Ohio, so that’s pretty cool!

STILL haven’t gotten the chance to finish “Outer Banks”, but I think I’m going to watch it either tonight or maybe tomorrow? We will see… UGH! I need to know the ending.

This blog will be pretty short… nothing much to say… see ya!

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Now update on “Outer Banks”… but planning on finishing it soon. I’m in the middle of episode nine and it’s getting REAL. No spoilers or opinions yet, final thoughts coming soon.

Today I came home from my friends house, then went to my cousins. Staying the night here for tonight and then spending the day here tomorrow.

Boring blog because nothing too special has happened. Things I’m looking forward to is my zoom meeting with Marian Lacrosse, and then the zoom tour of the university. Really looking forward to talking more with them.

Ive been working out and keeping up with my health and fitness, and on my lacrosse account I’ll be posting more videos… @uticalax on insta 😉

Welp. That’s it. Talk tomorrow and I’ll tell you all about my rainy Sunday!

Friday, May 15, 2020

Oh baby, “Outer Banks” is getting good. I’m on episode seven out of ten and I cannot wait to finish it all tonight, so tomorrow’s blog will be filled of spoilers and opinions! 🙂

Today I set up a zoom with Marian and I absolutely can’t wait to talk more with them. The girls are so nice and the coaches are cool too. I’m excited to have things set and prepared for my senior year. I really do like Marian, I’ve seen a lot of videos and read a lot about it. They started their school newspaper not too long ago so I would love to get into that!

This blog will be a little shorter, not too much to say about today. It was rainy and then got really hot, which left it muggy.

My friend Annie put a wrap in my hair and it turned out… okay. It sticks up straight and hurts so much at my roots. Not so fun.

Well alrighty, that’s it for today. Staying up to watch the rest of the Netflix show and then heading off to bed!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Today was pretty alright. FINALLY caught up on all of my algebra work, WOOHOO! I’m currently sleeping over my friends house… don’t tell!

But good news, she’s forcing me to watch “Outer Banks”… she read my blog… I got caught in the lie. HAHA! But actually, it’s so good, even though I can guess all of the outcomes haha. It’s honestly a typical “teen” movie that “everyone is talking about and it’s just like every other movie… nothing too special. I’m only on episode 3, so maybe my opinion will change.

P.S. the boys aren’t the cutest 🙁

Besides from that, I’ve been so busy with colleges! I got an offer for Marian University in Wisconsin to be on their Lacrosse team! WOOHOO! I’m so excited about that, I think that’s where I’m definitely going to go. But we will see! I keep in touch with the coaches and I’m so thrilled about it! Can’t wait to pursue my writing and journalism career!

Okay, that’s it for today, nothing too exciting. Goodnight.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Today was the first time in a while since I’ve seen my friends. I’ve done the “car parades” before, but I actually got the chance to have a friend over and hang out. Of course, it wasn’t all that fun, distanced, awkward, but was still refreshing to talk again. Annie and I played Uno an watched “Outer Banks”, but I was actually sleeping… so don’t tell her that.

I watched a Netflix movie called “In The Tall Grass” and it was… different. At first, and honestly all throughout the movie, it was so confusing and didn’t make much sense. At the end, it all wrapped up and made so much sense… but still left you wondering how it made sense. So hard to explain without spoiling it because its a very simplistic plot; siblings (older) are on a drive and hear a kid yelling for help in the grass field, they go and help, don’t come out, but that actually never happened because the kid wasn’t real and none of it was real… but the kid saved their lives. Sounds stupid right? Right. Trust me on this one, it’s worth the watch.

I watched “Love is Blind” on Netflix not too long ago and was so annoyed by it. The whole series is so cringe, the girls “love them”, but then will say “I can’t” at the weddings… THE WEDDING! Like really? You couldn’t say that before? And the couple that actually got married, Barnett and Amber, WHY?! This show got me so mad, he led on Jessica, then Jessica was flirting, Amber was being overprotective, WOULD NOT RECOMMEND!!

Will be planning on watching “Outer Banks”… but it doesn’t sound too interesting… I’ll force myself to tell you if its worth it!

Thursday, May 7, 2020

So Tuesday’s blog was a bust, fell asleep after 2 sentences. The Quarantine is starting t make me feel like I am going through the same day over and over. It feels like a Wednesday everyday and I have no sense of time… it’s either light or dark. I’ve been listening to old One Direction songs on replay for what feels like years. I talk to my friends with how they feel about the new school situation, an most of them are saying how they miss school. Honestly, I think that is this is both good and bad.

One good thing is that students can do work at their own pace and on their own time… but that is if they have the effort to do it. Some kids wait until Friday to do everything, I started my blog saying how I wanted to work on my self-motivation… and I haven’t made too much progress. Some days I’ll be on my top grind, getting so much done and having good work ethic, then I’ll lose that ethic the very next day. So many distractions. The warmer weather, I’ve been out constantly with my family and friends. We all go up to Swinehart and mess around, or we will go on drives and blast the music, sometimes have bonfires. But don’t you worry, it’s all at a six foot distance? 😉

Lots of my friends have complained how they are far behind and just don’t have the effort to go back and do it all. And the work just keeps adding up. Today, I did all of my Government, Chemistry, and after this blog I’ll be working on Algebra… because I’ve missed all this week for that class. The only thing that is keeping me going is the dreadful thoght of having my senior year fulled of re doing classes. Eek!

I’ve been making playlists and listening to sooooo much new music and I have been watching lots and lots of Netflix. I know my other classmates have been doing other types of reviews for books and stuff, so maybe I can start doing that so I can have more entertaining stuff to write.

Alrighty, HOPFULLY will type more tomorrow! I’ll set a reminder!

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Hey blog… remember me? No? Yeah, I understand, it’s not like it has been A MONTH.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

My first consistent blog? WOOHOO!

Today I woke up at 7 in the morning without any alarm, it’s like I am destined to make myself better! Haha, but shortly after around 8 I fell back asleep. At least I made some progress!

I’ve worked on so much Schoology today, totally overwhelming! Sadly, still not close to being caught up! I’m happy that I have the week to still be catching up until April 20, that’s when it’s gonna get REAL!

My sister and I drove to Swinehart field today and played lacrosse and did some exercises. Such a windy day though, I looked like an eskimo with the amount of layers I had on!

It’s about 8 at night now, I’m planning on continuing my Schoology then heading off to bed. Tomorrow I can’t wait to be attending an online meeting for ‘A Better Press for a Better World’.

That’s about all I did today, hoping for some more improvement tomorrow and I’ll figure out some goals that I will make for myself tonight!

Monday, April 13, 2020

Funny how my blogs sound together… in my first and only blog, I said how I would start to keep up with things and stay on track. Here we are, almost a month after the fact and I am finally writing my second blog!

I can definitely say that I am not self-motivated. Being in school gave me the motivation to do work by having teachers and my peers around me. Switching to online, I’ve realized how much I need to change myself to adapt to this new style of learning.

If we’re being 100% honest, I haven’t kept up on any work. Schoology, Zoom meetings, you name it and I haven’t done it. If I could go back, there would be no doubt that I would make sure to keep up with everything because with being this far behind is a struggle.

Everything can be fixed! Today I woke up at 7 in the morning and decided that this is going to be my fresh start. I got started on Schoology, but it’s so much! If you’re a student reading this, PLEASE do your Schoology! You will regret it if you don’t, it piles up fast!

I have also decided to write my blogs in a way of a self-motivation for myself. During this “break”, I want to become a very self-motivated person. This will be an amazing trait to have for future needs in high school, college and my whatever my job will be.

Today, I’ve already made some accomplishments. First being, waking up early. Sounds easy to do, but not for me. I’m going to try and switch my sleeping habits. Going to bed at 4 in the morning and waking up at 3 in the afternoon needs to stop for me.

The second accomplishment is actually starting and trying to catch up on Schoology work. Again, might sound easy, but not for me. This break has caused me to really get off track and make such bad habits for myself.

That’s all the progress I have made so far. Tonight I’ll write again and share some more of my accomplishments.

I have learned a big lesson from this time off from school… KEEP UP WITH YOUR WORK!


Its currently 10 at night now, and i’m exhausted. I have spent so much time on algebra, but I’m not even close to being done! I couldn’t stress enough to other students that they NEED to start Schoology, this is overwhelming! I might need to stay up all night to finish it all, haha we will see! I’ll make sure to update tomorrow and hopefully it will be good news! Can I get a “let’s go Brooklynn!”?

Sunday, March 22, 2020

So I’ve missed the “blog train” for a week now… finally hopping on board.

When our governor announced that school would be cancelled until April 6, my heart dropped. I was on Facetime with my friend, Annie, when we heard the news. Even better news: our spring break starts on that same day, so we get an extra week off. Woohoo!

I started off my break sick, which was scary for the reasoning why we have a break… but now I’m better than ever.

Other than that, my break so far has been… amazing. Sleeping in all day, doing homework on my own time, no stress from the snakes at school, clear skin–it’s amazing. Though I do miss Mrs. Smale, my news adviser. 🙁

The only downside is that my parents are both taking this very seriously, and because of that, I am stuck at home. I can’t see my friends, I can’t go to the gym, my work shut down until further notice… I’m going crazy! My new best friend is my Alexa, and that is even getting tired of me. I visioned this so-called “break” to be a “pre-summer” almost… but it’s prison. I hate to say it, but I would rather be at school. There. I admit it.

Now that I’ve finally started my little blog, I can’t wait to keep on track with writing one every day. Hopefully, this will keep me sane for the time being.

So here I am, sitting in my room. Will I be productive and enjoy this time off or take my fiftieth nap of the day? That’s a secret I’ll never tell. XOXO quarantine girl 😉

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