Vinnie Russo

Wednesday May 27 2020

Today is Wednesday. Another day at work. Same old stuff and I don’t have much to blog about today. I am planning on buying tickets to a concert that is more than a year away.

Tuesday May 26 2020

Today is Tuesday and I don’t have to work finally. I will probably be swimming a lot and will be playing MLB the show 20. I will probably have subway for lunch.

Monday May 25 2020

Today Is Monday. I have to work again but I will probably be swimming all day in my pool since it’s very nice out. I love swimming in my pool.

Friday May 22 2020

Today is Friday. Yet again I have to work. But this is the last day I have to work this week so I get the weekend off which is nice. I have a package coming today in the mail so I’ll be on the lookout for it. I ordered a t shirt that my favorite metal singer Randy Blythe wears on stage. It’s really cool.

Thursday May 21 2020

Today is Thursday and I finally don’t have to work today. It’s nice to have a day off with the nice weather. I’ll probably go to my moms house tonight because she’s been wanting to have me over but I’ve been busy with work and online school. I wish my pool wasn’t so cold or else I may have  gone swimming.

Wednesday May 20 2020

Today is Wednesday. I have to work again tonight but I don’t care, I’ll probably make some pretty good money. In the mean time I’ll probably just be doing online school work and playing MLB the show 20. It’s a really fun game and I  play it every day.

Tuesday May 19 2020

Today is Tuesday. I have to work later today. In the mean time I will be trying to get some of my online school work done so that I don’t have to do it later when I really don’t feel like it. I just got a new baseball glove in the mail yesterday. It’s really cool and I want to use it really bad.

Monday May 18 2020

Today is Monday and very crappy outside. I’m so sick of this bad weather. I want to get outside and play some baseball and go swimming but Mother Nature says no.

Tuesday May 12 2020

Today is Tuesday. I have to work today but not until later. I want to work on my online school stuff so that I don’t have to worry about it later  which I think is a good idea. Not too much is going on in the Russo residence. I’ll probably be listening to these 2 new bands I’ve been getting into lately called Avatar and the other one is Death. I think that they are both pretty good bands.

Thursday May 7 2020

Today is kinda just a whatever day. Not to much going on in the Russo residence. Maybe I’ll get something for lunch today. Maybe a burger. Maybe I’ll watch Titanic again, I never get tired of that one. I’ll probably play PlayStation and listen to music or something. Can’t do everything I want to because of the stay at home policy.

Monday May 4 2020

Today is Monday and today we are getting our pool put in our backyard. This is the first official pool we’ve ever gotten. At my old house we never got one so I’m really happy that we are getting one in this house.

Thursday April 30 2020

Today Is Thursday and I finally this week to not have to work. Thank God, I hate working 3 days in a row like that. I sometimes need a brake from working. So today I will be finishing too hot to handle on Netflix. I really like that show. A bunch of my friends kept on telling me to watch it so I finally did and I really grew to love it.

Wednesday April 29 2020

Today is Wednesday and I have to work again. Today I would think will be busy because Wednesday’s have been busy lately and hopefully I make some pretty good cash tonight.

Tuesday April 28 2020

Today is Tuesday and I have to work today which is fine. It shouldn’t be too busy I wouldn’t think. It’s only a Tuesday and not a lot of people are out on a Tuesday. Also I’ll probably just be watching TV and movies I’ve seen 100 times before.

Monday April 27 2020

Today is Monday and I decided to do most of my online school work today so that I won’t have to do it later when I’m busy. There wasn’t that much but I tried to do as much as I could. Also I watched The Last Dance and I played NBA 2k just like I do every day.

Friday April 24 2020

Today is kinda just a whatever day. I have to work today but that’s not until later. I will probably just be playing NBA 2k and listening to metal in the mean time. The lions draft pick was eh. I thought that they should’ve taken Tua.

Thursday April 23 2020

Today is my grandma’s birthday so I will be going to her house today. She is turning 72. We won’t be doing much there because she is freaking out about corona.

Wednesday April 22 2020

Today is kinda boring because I will just be doing online school stuff and playing NBA 2k. I also like to watch movies to help time pass during the state lockdown. Movies like dumb and dumber, Back to the future, and Titanic.

Tuesday April 21 2020

Today I will be going to my moms house for dinner. I think she is making some kind of a roast or something. My mom is a good cook so I bet whatever she  makes will be good. We like to watch movies and recite the lines from the because we’ve seen them so many times before.

Monday April 20 2020

Well today starts online school. The worst thing to happen in this entire quarantine for me. I was having a good time waking up at 9 and watching the news, eating breakfast, and playing video games. But I guess not anymore. I thought we all passed into the next grade level but nope.

Thursday March 26 2020

Well today is just another day that we are in lockdown. I have to work tonight which is nice because I get to get out of the house. It’s probably gonna be busy.

But before work I’ll probably just be watching wrestling on the WWE Network. I like watching old pay per views from like 2000 or 2001. It’s fun because I love old wrestling when it was TV-14 instead of TVPG.


Wednesday March 25 2020

Break is pretty boring. Everything is closed and I can’t go to the movies or Dave & Buster’s. But I’ll take being bored playing play station rather thank going to school any day of the week.

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