Jennifer Vaida

Wednesday, June 3

It’s kind of ironic how everyone jokes around about how 2020 is only going to get worse, and here we are every month something worse happens. the good news is the stay at home order is being lifted, but then again I’m not sure I’d like to go out anymore. It hard to believe that it’s already June and school is just days from ending. It feels like just last week we were all overwhelmed by the effects of the virus. Next year will be real interesting I’m not sure if I’m looking forward to it all that much.

Tuesday, May 26

Today we went mini-golfing in the morning with some friends. Getting out of the house and being able to hang out was therapeutic after staying in so long, but the heat was also unbearable. It seems that in Michigan we jump from winter to summer, but I cant complain. Later we had a bonfire and played volleyball.

Monday, May 25 

Memorial day my family and I went to the park same as just about every year. It was nice spending the whole day with family and no technology, not to mention having nice weather finally. It got really hot and we went down to the lake where I found a fishing hook in a bush. My sister baited the hook with a bee and then caught a fish, but eventually we let it back into the water.

Wednesday, May 20

My AP exam is finally done with, but now comes the dreadful wait for my results. It went better than I anticipated, and most of my nerves were all for nothing. I would like to think I did alright, but I guess we won’t know for sure until the results come out. I was good on timing and I was able to comprehend the material, but I owe most of that to my teacher.

Monday, May 18

Most of my family has already returned to work. It’s like the corona virus is yesterday’s news, and it all passed so quickly. I’m back to counting down the days until summer even though it feels like we are already on break. however, just like at school I’m going through the same routine everyday, only a lot more distracting being at home.

Monday, May 11

AP exam day is two days away for me, and each day I feel less and less prepared because of this break we’ve had since March. Today plan to do the demo exam on Khan academy, so I know what to expect and that way I can also figure out what I need to work on. I’m also working ahead on school so I don’t have to worry about it on exam day.

Evidently I’m nervous and for the most part I’m on my own to figure it all out. I don’t expect to get a perfect score. However, I need to do good enough to get the credit that way I won’t have to take the same class at college in the fall. I’ll be able to move up save the time and money .

Sunday, May 10


Today’s Mother’s Day so we got my mom dozens of flowers, and made her breakfast. This was probably the strangest Mother’s Day she’ll have but it was nice to sit and have breakfast with the whole family. After breakfast we attended church virtually, but hopefully by next week we’ll be back to church for real.

The rest of the day was like any other lazy Sunday; we sat around, played board games and watched tv. Later on my dad made burgers and after we watched the The Patriot, a film about the American Revolution, then we chilled I the hot tub for a little while.

Wednesday, May 6 

Today my dad started to renovate the master bathroom and I helped him out a little. I completed my final project for chemistry. I also need to study for my AP Lang exam that’s on the 13th. I don’t think I’ll too very well now that I only have online help.

Monday, May 4 

The weekend was eventful now things are starting to feel a little more normal. We surprised my aunt to celebrate her birthday on Saturday. Then on Sunday we took and drive up north and spent the day up there.

Then coming into Monday I don’t feel like doing any school. It’s already May which feels so strange, but that means the school year is almost over. Not to mention the AP exams that are starting, and I feel like I’m not prepared being out of school do long.

Wednesday, April 29 

As soon as I woke up I started on school. That’s usually how it is every morning and I don’t move until I’m done with everything. After that I edited some photos in photoshop, which basically took up the rest of my day.

My aunt came over for her birthday and we had cake and hung out until late. As soon as we start to enjoy the weather Michigan decides  to switch up. We get a little nice weather and then it rains the next day.

Monday, April 27 

Another three weeks of quarantine. Not even surprised. It’s pretty much the same routine everyday, not that I expect anything to change being stuck in the same house with the same people.

I do school then when I’m finished I sit around the house with my family. Occasional drives around the neighborhood and that’s the extent of my days in quarantine.

Thursday, March 26

Today was no more interesting than yesterday. I get straight to work after I wake up and don’t finish working until it’s dark out. I try to finish everything for that to the best of my abilities and if I have time I will do a little more so ill have less the next day.

Michigan refuses to give us nicer weather despite everything else going on at the moment. Some sunshine would make things a little better, but today it’s only cloudy skies and rain. Despite all the negatives, being healthy is the biggest plus so we just have to take the good with the bad for now.

         Wednesday, March 25

Same old, boring routine. Wake up. School. Sleep. For the last week and a half it has been the same thing day after day and seems like its gonna stay that way. I’m mostly caught with school but, it’s like chasing the wind because  every time I think I’ve finished there is always something new. The thought of going back to school scares me because I can just imagine how chaotic it will be trying to catch up on three weeks worth of work especially right before the end of the year.

Now that SATs are off the table for the time being I think a lot of people have a huge weight lifted off their shoulders, but it has also left way for a lot of questions. Usually teachers and staff were the ones to answer those questions but now we just have to wait it out because  we’re all in the dark.

        Tuesday, March 24

Now every place is closed and everyone is working from home. It seems that every corporation and business is on lockdown. The only places still open are a few grocery stores, fast food joints, hardware stores, and of course hospitals. I’ve had no time for boredom , it seems like every teacher just keeps come at me from every side with new work every hour. Keeping all my school work sorted is difficult and since none of the work will be graded as of right now I have no motivation to do any of it. The one thing keeping me on track is my parents–and I’m still behind.

As much as I don’t like it I will do all the work if it means the school year won’t be extended into summer. That would make my junior year so much than it’s meant to be. If we had to go to school in the summer that would mean we might not be able to visit  family in Romania, and if we are able to fly and get more school, that would mean I would have to catch up on my own. hopefully I will get answers soon, now that we know all SATs are off, the end of the school year is my biggest concern.

         Monday, March 23

We got new school work today and we have about 30 minutes of work for all six classes. More news this morning; that Michigan is going on lockdown for the next 3 weeks, so while my parents were at work we had to run to the grocery store to stock up for the next few weeks. As much as I didn’t want to step foot in any of those chaotic stores, I was really happy to leave the house and reluctant to go because I knew I might not get out for a while. Shopping with my sisters is never boring. We stocked up on snacks and got board games to keep us occupied.

Later on my family came to visit for a little and we made dinner, played games, and watched a movie. It’s nice changing up the atmosphere from house and school work, even if it was just for a night. Hopefully we won’t  run out of things to do before we are released  from house arrest.

Friday, March 20 

My parents officially have our house on lock down and boredom has no cure. With each passing hour the list of things to do gets shorter and my desire to leave the house gets worse.
My day consisted of nothing but school work. Nothing interesting. And with the new work we are supposed to be getting Monday I’m wondering if any of this is going to be counted. Hopefully this break isn’t all the same as today. My concern for grades and testing only gets greater with time because  no one has the answers, nothing new from a week before school was let out. No amount or assortment of shows nor movies nor social media can hold my attention for more than an hour. Each day gets longer and longer, we’ll what next week has to offer.

Thursday, March 19

It seems that quarantine has me doing everything besides school. I pick up random hobbies just to distract from how bored I am. I’ve watched movies with my sisters which helps pass the time a little faster. Even though I have sufficient time to work just thinking about school puts me to sleep. I haven’t had any more clarity than I did the last day of school.

Seeing as things aren’t looking up for this virus I’m not sure exactly when we’ll get back on track. With AP exams and SATs  approaching my nerves are only getting worse because it seems no else knows what’s going to happen either. I guess time only can tell.

Wednesday, March 18

Day three started off a little late because I slept in, but right after breakfast I went to catch up on homework, which is not going as smoothly as I had imagined. This virus has been allowing me the see things in a different light. All the luxuries that I’ve been taking for granted all these years. Regardless of how stressful and frustrating school can be we have to admit that without the help of our teachers we would all be lost. I know I am right now and I’m quickly beginning to realize that we don’t appreciate them enough.

Yes homework, essays, and school projects all suck, but at the end of the day we benefit from it all. Trying to teach yourself six classes worth of material is not easy, so thank you to all the my teachers because we all know now it is NOT an essay task, but just chill out on the work load please.

Good luck y’all and maybe try having fun if that’s even possible.

Tuesday, March 17

Never thought I would admit it, but I would rather be at school right now. Each day being stuck in the house makes me feel more useless but at the same time I don’t want to do anything especially school work.

I eased into it by reading the assigned chapters of our book, Bell Jar by Silvia Plath, in AP Lang. I usually like reading but this book just gives me an eerie vibe and the main character puts me in a weird mood. But I would like to try and finish all my work the first few days, so that I won’t have to worry about it all of break.

Hopefully four weeks passes somewhat faster and we get nicer weather too. I’m just glad to be safe and healthy…for now.

Monday, March 16

First day of corona break was very chill and much needed. This whole experience still feels so surreal and somehow I never imagined this virus would affect me in anyway. Guess I was very wrong. I didn’t think about school or homework at all today, so I could get one day to myself and catch up the rest of the week.

I cleaned my room and did some laundry, which always makes me better. I guess I was pretty bored and I assume it will only get more boring as I watch the days rush by. But I’m grateful for the time off!

I also got back into painting today, which kept me very busy for a few hours—especially the clean up. I started to paint old CDs, which I plan to paint all different designs and compostions then make a collage of hundreds of them on my bedroom wall.


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