12 Days of Wellness
Student Mental Health Committee shares tips
The 12 Days of Wellness is a challenge to all students to help their mental health in this time of online learning to not only to improve mental health, but also overall well-being.
Junior Sophia Meguid is in the Student Mental Health Committee, and is very passionate about spreading the word of mental health and promoting others well being.
“I love [the mental health committee],” Meguid said, “and I think we are on a great path to making a real difference. Also, I really enjoy taking action to help people, “so this was a perfect opportunity.”
Mental health is a very important issue to the committee, and they feel it should be acknowledged more often.
“I think that mental health is such an important matter,” Meguid said, “that needs to be addressed in my community and the entire world right now.”
Counselor Kelly Bronski is very hopeful that the 12-day challenge will lower stress.
“We are hoping they will help lift your spirits,” Bronski said, “and alleviate some stress as we navigate this new world together.”
The committee is very proud that they have the power to change peoples perspective about the negative stigma around mental health.
“There is such a negative stigma surrounding it,” Meguid said, “and it is awesome to think that we have the power to change that perspective, even if it is just within the walls of Utica.”
The main goal of the 12 Days of Wellness and the mental health committee is to make a positive impact on the well being of others.
“Making an impact is really what the end result is,” Meguid said, “whether it is big or small.”
The committee has been working very hard to provide fun challenges for students and staff and further help mental health.
‘So far we have lots of ideas that we have been turning into action,” Meguid said, “even in these challenging circumstances, so I am really proud of that.”
Meguid is encouraged by the response to the committee’s work.
“We have been getting positive feedback from staff and students,” Meguid said, “both from our school and ones across the district/area.”
In addition to the positive feedback that is being received the committee has been completing the goals they have strived to do.
“It brings me such joy,” Meguid said, “to know that we actually are making an impact like we aim to.”
The committee will still strive to still make conversation about mental health and continue to create awareness.
“I also am confident that our work is starting conversations about mental health and well-being throughout our community,” Meguid said, “which is a major step toward destigmatizing it.”
The 12 Days of Wellness is trying to connect others even though most of us are online.
“These are wellness tips to help you reconnect with yourself,” Bronski said, “others, and your surroundings.”
The Mental Health Committee and the 12 Days of Wellness are both helpful ways for not only students but staff as well to help lower stress in these times of online learning.