Athletes,coaches inducted into Hall of Fame

On Friday Jan. 15, 2016, there was a varsity boys and girls basketball game at 5:30 pm and 7:00 pm. The 15 inductees were honored with a plaque in between the two games and they were asked to arrive at 6:00 pm and report to the cafeteria. All inductees and their families were welcome to come and support the teams.


It has been a very positive experience working with other staff members putting together the hall of fame and there is a lot of work put into the process and the planning of the event,” Holmes said. “We are very blessed to have our Booster Club provide the funds for the plaques and the extras for the event.“


Both past coaches and alumni are honored at the annual event.


It is rewarding to be able to honor those athletes/coaches/support personnel who were such contributors to Utica High School,” Holmes said. “I think it is a great event that brings out our community and welcomes alumni back.”


Coach Rick Farr is one of the coaches being inducted for his 37 years of coaching varsity boys tennis.


“I am extremely thankful for the coaches who considered me for this honor,” Farr said. “It is the highest honor I could ever receive as a coach.”


Alumni Amanda (Piechowski) Jones, a former UHS and Michigan State University basketball player, is security specialist Henry Piechowski’s daughter.


“Pretty good, she has worked really hard and started coming to the gym to play basketball when she was eight,” Henry said. “She is now at Michigan State and I’m very proud.”


Each inductee was presented with an additional plaque, with a chosen colored photo on them, that will be placed in the hall of fame located outside the gym.


The games were held in the main gym and students were welcomed to come and support the teams and inductees.