The Tribe Christian youth group seeks new members

The popular Bible verse has its place on the back of The Tribe’s shirts.

The Tribe, a Christian youth group that meets Thursday mornings before school, is hoping to gain new members in the month of December.

“It’s a comforting environment to make Christian friends at your school,” senior Brittany Stack said.

At gatherings, members discuss topics that interest them, participate in team bonding activities, and plan community service events. The club is sponsored by teachers John See and Stacy Smale.

“The students have a lot of fun,” Smale said, “At the same time, they’re reminded that their school is filled with many Christian students that share their same faith and beliefs.”

Senior Angel Augustitus-Bell has been a member of The Tribe since her sophomore year, and is working to spread the word about the club.

“All Christian students should join The Tribe,” Augustitus-Bell said. “You get to meet and interact with people with the same interests as you.”

While many members are already involved in their church’s youth group, they enjoy meeting other Christians in their school, as well.

“The Tribe changed my life in a positive way,” senior Charlie DiLorenzo said. “I’ve been a Christian all my life, but it was nice to find a group of people at my school with the same interests.”

At the group’s Dec. 1 meeting, students will have food and drinks while participating in several activities designed for new members to get to know the group, which meets in room 205.

“The Tribe is a wonderful way to start your day off positively,” senior Ava Hann said, “with food, games and an encouraging Christian word.”