Health occupations students prepare for competition

February may seem far away for most, but for Health Occupations Students of America, it’s approaching fast. Preparing for their first competition Feb. 4, HOSA students have already chosen their competitive events and preparations are underway.

“It is very rewarding,” teacher Melissa Rice said. “I love watching them grow and learn new things.”

Students really enjoy HOSA and all of the experiences.

“It’s a big time commitment,” senior Kiah Anderson said. “It’s really fun because you get to explore different things in medicine and do a lot of hands-on things, so it helps you really decide what you want to do in the future.”

HOSA is an international student organization recognized by the U.S. department of Education and the Health Science Education Division. Students with an interest in pursuing a health-related field are encouraged to join, and while taking a related course is encouraged, it is not required. Medical Health, Medical Dental and Nursing are just a few of medical classes offered at Utica High, and students throughout the district travel to enroll in the programs.

“I do my best to connect what I’m teaching to something students have experienced in their own lives,” Rice said. “I think a lot of times it’s easy to make the connection for these students, because they’re taking the class because they truly have an interest in the medical field.”

Students choose their own events, so they are able to have fun and enjoy the time they spend preparing for competition.

“I like doing PSA, which is Public Service Announcement,” senior Harmony Ross said. “I record and edit things, and come up with creative ideas. I think it’s a really good experience.”