Students choose vegetarian lifestyle

Arianna Palushaj

Vegetarian choices in the cafeteria.

Dedication, diligence, and persistence are just three things to describe what it takes to become a vegetarian. In a meat-eating society, becoming vegetarian seems almost impossible. In order to achieve this lifestyle, it is mandatory to find your daily protein without the use of meat.

“My main source of protein is found through dairy products and mostly nuts,” sophomore Aidan Huyghe said.

Protein is a key source when giving up all meats.

“I’ve been vegetarian all of my life,” Huyghe said, “so the food choices aren’t that difficult to make.”

Although becoming vegetarian is a healthier lifestyle, the downfall of it is the limited meal options.

“The hardest part about becoming vegetarian for me was cutting out chicken,” senior Madison Mosher said. “I love chicken.”

People often struggle with meal choices due to the abundance amount of meat humans consume.

“My main source of protein is through peanuts, peanut butter, and beans,” Mosher said.

The easiest way to start a vegetarian lifestyle is to take advice from an individual who is experienced in the field.

“I would say to start out as a pescatarian so you can eat  just seafood,” senior Angelina Narra said, “and then gradually make your way into becoming vegetarian.”

A pescatarian is a person who does not eat meat, but does eat fish.

“Make sure that you don’t over do it on the dairy products you consume,” Narra said. “Always balance out your protein before using an excessive amount of one product.”

Becoming a vegetarian is a very difficult process to start due to meal options and meat substitutions. Studies show that an all plant-based diet increases the metabolism, causing the body to burn calories up to 16% faster than a meat based diet. The decision to become a vegetarian is one that many do not regret and is proven to be a healthier lifestyle.