Students gather to pray before school

Around 60 students and teachers gathered around the flagpole for “See You At The Pole,” a global day of prayer, on Sept. 24 before first hour.
Hosted by Christian youth group The Tribe, SYATP gave people the opportunity to gather for prayer and worship songs.
“See You At The Pole” is an tradition that began in 1990. Youth ministers came up with SYATP, hoping that this simple name would be an easy way to spread the word about the event, without having to define all of the meeting details. The event takes place around each schools’ flag poles.
“I thought it was nice for a school to come together in that kind of way,” senior Olivia Arch said.
After the event, members of The Tribe passed out inviatations to their meetings, which take place Friday mornings before school in room 205. The club allows students to come together to discuss Bible verses and connect to religion in their own way. Everything is student-led, and students decide what to discuss each week.
“I think it’s great,” teacher John See said. “Kids are able to step out of their comfort zone with other people, showing they believe in something together that doesn’t need hiding. The opportunity brings us closer together, and that is what’s special about The Tribe.”