Students play in dodge ball tournament to raise money for charity

Junior Addison Breeding walks onto the gym floor and prepares with her team for their first game. In order to move on to the next round, the Ball Busters need to win this game. The whistle sounds, and both teams run to the center to grab a ball. In the next three minutes, players on each team try to take out the members on the other side, the team left standing when the buzzer sounds wins.

To those sitting in the stands, it may seem like any other dodge ball game, but to those playing, the pressure was on.

“It was exciting and nerve wracking,” junior Addison Breeding said. “It’s a lot more competitive than you would think.”

The game was scheduled during the week of break, and with many students anxious to get out of school and go home to be with family and friends, the game provided a fun alternative to class.

Students chose to participate for all different reasons.

“I play softball,” senior Ashley Mauser said, “so dodge ball is like a fun version for school.”

For those who did not participate in the tournament, they went to the ECC to watch a movie.

The dodge ball game is a school tradition, run each year by the student council members.

This year the school raised $1,200. The money that was raised will be donated to New World Flood, the MASC/MAHS
State Charity of the year. This non-profit organization is passionate about volunteering and focuses on spreading the world with community service.

For students in the games, strategy is key. The key to success is keeping in mind The Five D’s; dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge. For any student who has seen the movie “Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story,” this isn’t an unfamiliar concept.

Just like in the movie, the winners of the dodge ball tournament were the Average Joes.

“We wanted to be named [the Average Joes] because if we won then it’d be cool,” sophomore Gabriel Garbarino said. “I was happy because I didn’t think we were going to win. It felt good to beat the juniors and seniors.”

moehligWEBVita Simmons