Spring Break

Spring break has been a tradition ever since the late 20’s that only comes once a year. This makes it normal for students to go out of state with friends and do outrageous things.

At least that is what is portrayed on TV shows and movies. Usually, it’s only college students, but it’s been quite a trend with high school upperclassmen to travel with friends and family to relax and enjoy being stress free.

With the third quarter ending the week before, there are many students who are relieved to have this one week break ahead of them. A majority of students have already made plans with family and friends whether it involves going out of state or staying home.

A popular state that people seem to be packing their bags for is Florida. The tropical weather, the hot sun beaming down, and the waves crashing on the shore is enough to make anyone excited for the week off.

“I went down to Panama City, Florida,” senior Antonetta Berisic said. “I was excited to be on the beach in the warm weather surrounded by my friends.”

However, some students choose to hit the mountains instead of the tropical beaches.

“I took a last minute road trip to the Smokey Mountains,” senior Jaskiran Bansal said. “I enjoyed waking up late.”

Students enjoy traveling on spring break to see different scenery and that could be somewhere far away or close to home.

Students were asked where they’d like to travel next year spring break.

There are always people who would either like to crash at home or go somewhere completely new.

“I’d like to travel to Australia,” junior Ryann Easterbrook said, “because they have a diverse wildlife.”

Reasons to travel somewhere is for new experiences like the food, people, scenery and much more. On another note, people chose to stay close to home for less spending and because they would like to be familiar to their surroundings.

Students can celebrate their break and create fun memories to look back on. They just have to find them.