No pain, no gain

Senior places sixth at states

Collin Fox and Courtney Pullman

What started out as a fun elective turned into a full-blown competitive sport for senior Mariana Merandi, who recently placed sixth in the Powerlifting State Competition.

“I started weightlifting in my sophomore year as an elective and I became very passionate about it,” Merandi said. “I got referred by Mr. Smith to join the Ford High School power lifting team”

Mernandi also had many mentors to help her along the way.

“I learned the basics from Mr. Rojeski during my sophomore year and he helped me a lot,” Merandi said. “Also, the support of my team and my coaches [is] so helpful and motivating.”

She enjoys a lot about the new sport that she has adopted.

“My favorite moment so far is when I

got a new personal record on my dead lift,” Merandi said. “I was so happy about it.”

Just picking up the sport was not nearly enough for Merandi – she had to excel in it. She took her new-found ta


lent all the way to the state competition.

“It was a life-changing experience to make it to states,” she said. “I broke a school record placing sixth in the state as an all-state powerlifter.”

Just because she’s made it from an elective class to the state competition doesn’t mean that Merandi’s career ha


s been without its struggles.

“The hardest part of competing has been cutting weight to fit in the 132 pound weight class.” Merandi said. “I have to restrict myself on eating and run nonstop to sweat water weight out.”

According to Merandi, it has been a huge challenge for her, but it is extremely rewarding in the end.

“Once I make weight,” Merandi said, “I always go out and celebrate by ordering a huge meal and I don’t regret a thing.”