Senior Projects: the Juniors’ guide

Arianna Palushaj

Senior Arianna Palushaj making blankets to donate to the project Linus Foundation.

Cameron Smale, Editor

A week after the seniors graduate, a meeting will be held for the juniors involving their senior projects.

Students do not have to go anywhere. Teachers will be visiting every students’ English, including AP English, classes to present information on what will be required.

From what is known, regular English students will be required to present their project to their classes. These projects will require 24 hours of community service.

“Senior projects require 24 hours of service,” teacher Linda Kammann said. “This symbolizes each senior giving a day of their life back to their community.”

AP English students will have to write a poem and present it along with 16 hours of community service.

This tradition has been continuously followed for every single senior class.

“It’s important to know the value of giving back to your community,” senior Jaclyn Duff said. “I really enjoyed doing my senior project because it involved something I love to do, which was helping out at volleyball camp.”

Senior projects can give a unique opportunity to the seniors because of the various ways they can help their community.

“I really enjoyed doing and presenting my senior project,” senior Jack Wexler said. “I hope to do more community service in the future because it was such a meaningful and good experience.”

The juniors will be tasked, next year with the same projects when they become seniors. This is a tradition that has and always will be assigned to seniors for the benefit of the community.

Most senior projects are different which in turn, will benefit the community in a variety of positive ways. This is seniors’ way of giving back.