ID lanyard policy updated
Junior Alexis Elder keeps her lanyard hooked on her backpack. “I am a very forgetful person,” Elder said. “I put my lanyard on my bag so I don’t forget it.”
October 28, 2019
With a new school year beginning, it’s safe to say not much has changed for returning students. They get a new schedule, new teachers, and a new routine.
However, a policy that was introduced last school year is now being re-introduced and is in full effect this year: The ID lanyard policy.
Students got a taste of the lanyard policy last year, when it was first introduced in the building and throughout the district on Dec. 4. The policy stated that it was mandatory for lanyards to be worn around students’ necks at all times.
The updated requirement this year is that the lanyards be displayed somewhere visible to the staff. Whether that be around necks, hanging out of pockets, or hooked on backpacks, where lanyards are worn is ultimately up to the students. The only part of the lanyard that truly needs to be visible is the identification photo. Many students are adapting to this policy by wrapping the lanyard on their backpack.
“I wear my lanyard on my backpack,” junior Alexis Elder said. “I don’t trust it on my neck.”
The policy comes after much debate from last year. When it was enforced, many students didn’t obey the policy, or only did so for a few days.
“I think it’s useless,” Elder said. “Anyone can print out a lanyard and walk into the school.”
Other students agree with the policy and believe that it does help the school, such as senior Shelby Carlson.
“I don’t mind the lanyard rule,” Carlson said. “I know it’s for our safety.”
Students have the choice of wearing their ID on the lanyard provided by the school, or they could bring their own, as long as they have their identification on them. The lanyards provided by the school are break-aways, meaning that if someone was to pull on them the clip at the back would separate. This allows students to not get stuck or trapped by their lanyards.
Many staff members support the policy. They think having the extra security benefits the school and helps to protect both students and staff.
“I do think they’re a good idea,” teacher Sarah Miller said. “Given today’s social climate, it’s important for teachers and administrators to have a way to quickly identify a student in an emergency situation, as well as identify anyone in the building who shouldn’t be here. IDs allow that to happen.”
Students who forget their lanyards are sent to the main office to get a new one, and pay a $5 fee. They must also attend a lunch detention.