SNOWDAYS: Has virtual learning made them a thing of the past?
Picture of the Utica High School Auditorium with snow
February 23, 2021
Now that Utica Community Schools are using a hybrid learning system due to COVID, students are wondering if will snow days are still a possibility. In the past, snow days have given students a day off to save them from the cold snow or slippery ice. Many times, road conditions are too difficult for buses to navigate safely. While these days have been a welcome surprise for many students, who love a snow day off of school, the ability to work from home may mean snow days are a thing of the past.
“I really hope me continue to have snow days,” senior Joshua Miller said. “It was always nice randomly waking up and finding out we have a snow day and get to relax for the day.”
With every student having a laptop, school can be done at home or wherever the student so chooses. Since staff members may find it difficult to travel to school, many hope virtual learning won’t exempt students and teachers from having a snow day.
“I always did think snow days were a good thing,” Principle Tom Lietz said, “Even though not every student is going back it is good for the ones that do to get this off day for their safety”.
Students remember snow days as a nice way to have a break from the stress of school.
“It was always nice waking up have finding out we have the day off of school and get to relax,” senior Spencer Fagan said. “It helped catch up on work and calm our minds.”
So far this winter season, the only significant snowfall happened over the mid-winter break. On Feb. 15, a memo was released to staff regarding the inclement weather expected the following day.
“Persons scheduled to work and in positions in which work from home has been successfully implemented this year (i.e. administrative, clerical, etc.),” the memo read, “may be permitted to work from home tomorrow provided job responsibilities do not necessitate an in-person function as determined by the District.”
Whether or not students and staff will be expected to work from home during the next big snowfall remains to be seen.