When should Christmas go back into the attic?
January 6, 2023
The Christmas season was full of joy, laughter, and presents not to mention the few weeklong breaks students had.
“A little over a week after Christmas,” sophomore Alessandra Ivanj said. “Since it ends somewhere in January.”
People have their Christmas trees decorated in colors, ornaments, candy canes, and decorations around the house, and the colorful lights on the house and blow-up figures outside the lawn. It makes Christmas more fun for their home and families.
“Maybe a week or two after Christmas,” sophomore Fatimah Walker said. “It seems the most appropriate.”

While diving into the New Year, people are “out with the old and in with the new,” which also means taking down your Christmas decorations and Christmas tree. But some people take their trees down only after Christmas.
“I’d say leave it up by New Year’s, by Jan. 2.” sophomore Brianna Blasky said.
There are a handful of people who don’t take their trees down till after New Year’s. While others tend to take theirs down somewhere in January to reminisce about the Christmas spirit.
“The end of January,” teacher Allison Brumfield said. “Christmas is one of my favorite holidays.”
There is a ton of love for Christmas, and sometimes people love Christmas too little and have the Christmas spirit while tending to the new year.
“I keep mine up all year,” teacher Jeanette Mikula said. “I just put different decorations on my tree for the holidays.”
Overall, the Christmas season is something to love and have fun with family whether you celebrate it or not. However way you celebrate it with your Christmas tree down or up all year long, it is still a fun holiday.