Students wonder where all the fans have gone
January 9, 2023

With the start of winter sports it has become more common for there to be little to no students filling the bleachers.
Even when students fill the student section, not everyone is participating in the chants, and it’s just too quiet.
“Be there or be square,” junior Dylan Kelley said. “If you’re there in the student section, be loud.”
The whole point to a student section is to be loud for your team and support them.
There’s a clear difference in the number of students at girls games compared to boys games.
One game in particular that stands out for the girls is when they played against Anchor Bay game. Four students showed up.
“We have to support our lady Chieftains,” junior Riley Sangster said. “If you have the time, support the teams.”
There’s very few student who support our girls.
“Girls games are dead,” junior Landon Drew said. “We need some more people popping out for our ladies.”
The boys aren’t exempt from low fan turnout, as evidenced by their very first game at Port Huron. Only nine students showed up.
“I feel obligated to show up for the players,” junior Zeyad Yousef said.
Student turnout appears to be affected by location, who is playing, and how the team is doing.
“No students really come to our games,” junior Addison Stuehmer said, “but shout out to the few who still support us.”
Varsity basketball player Stuehmer appreciates the small number of students in the bleachers; teens screaming and being loud goes a long way and can affect the opposing team’s ability to perform.
“The student section most definitely affects the other team,” junior Nik Gojcaj said, “just with them being so loud.”
Others also appreciate the supportive student section.
“I love the student section; it brings lots of energy to the games,” junior Sebastian Soriano said. “They keep me going during the game.”
Problems in the student section arise when younger kids take seats, people don’t participate in themes, and others who don’t chant.
“It’s different depending on the sport,” Kelley said. “You can blend in at football games, but basketball is