Utica’s varsity basketball vs Anchor Bay


Paul Disho, Reporter

Utica’s Varsity basketball team versed Anchor Bay high school in their ninth game so far this season on Feb 7th. The final score of the game was 47-38., with Utica picking up the big win.  Utica’s team now has a record of 7 wins and only 2 losses with the playoffs creeping up.

“We played a good team,” junior Ali Hassan said, “I’m glad we got the win, and now we have to focus on next game to try and continue getting better.”

The game was a little bit close, but near the end Utica pulled away and got a great win. Utica has desires of making the playoffs and advancing far, and this win will definitely help create momentum for the rest of the season.

“It was a great win,” junior Sebestian Soriano said, “But its only one game, we have to continue this every game and especially when we are in the playoffs.”

The playoffs start in a few weeks, and Utica has a great roster to make a deep run, and as long as no injuries occur, Utica’s varsity basketball team can compete for a championship.

“When we play as a team, make our shots, play hard and smart, work together,” Soriano said, “It will be very difficult for any team to beat us.”