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Valentine’s Day

Should people celebrate?

Valentine’s Day is an expensive and stressful holiday. Stores will market pink, red or heart print items, call it Valentine’s Day-themed and will mark up the price. Stores will also raise prices on cliché gifts like chocolate, candy and stuffed animals because they know people are willing to pay the extra money for something as simple has a bouquet of flowers at this time of year.

When Valentine’s day rolls around, a lot of people will stress themselves out, not knowing what to get their significant other, if it’s good enough for them and if they will love or hate it since majority of people have high expectations like expensive restaurants and jewelry. Getting rejected on Valentine’s Day will also suck. You buy all these cute, nice gifts just to get rejected. If you decide to do it in a crowded area, it can really bring down your self-esteem and leave you feeling embarrassed. Even the moments leading up to asking a person can bring you anxiety, because you do not know what they are going to say.

Valentine’s Day also leaves single people out and they have to hear about how everyone else got gifts and went out to nice places and restaurants. Trying to make reservations for Valentine’s Day will also be a struggle, because everyone is trying to get a spot reserved which leaves a lot of businesses fully packed or tickets completely sold out. People can also feel very pressured into buying gifts on valentine’s day because we have been brainwashed into believing that is the norm while in a relationship. However, in reality, it does not matter if you buy your partner an expensive gift or just give them a hug.

What is really important is being there and spending quality time with them. Although Valentines Day is about love and romance, it also has disadvantages that should not be dismissed or over looked.

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About the Contributor
Akiyah Henderson, Reporter
Akiyah Henderson is a senior and this is her first year on the arrow staff. In her free time, she likes to watch horror movies, go shopping and be with her friends and family. She also enjoys the Halloween season, drawing, listening to music, working out, and skiing.

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  • M

    maddy schererMay 14, 2024 at 9:51 am

    great story! i feel the same way!
