The student news site of Utica High School


The student news site of Utica High School


The student news site of Utica High School



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Red Cross Blood Drive Donations

There is a shortage of blood in the United States, and the amount of blood being donated has dropped by almost 50 %.
Red Cross came to Utica on February eighth. They were hoping for around 60 people to sign up, but ended up with about 20. They asked for those who were at least seventeen years of age and met the height and weight requirements. For males, you needed to be at least 110 pounds at 5’. Female requirements were more strict. You had to weigh at least 133 pounds if you were 5’1”, 129 pounds if you were 5’2”, 124 pounds if you were 5’3”, 120 pounds if you were 5’4”, 115 pounds if you were 5’5”, and 110 pounds if you were 5’6” or taller.
Building support paraprofessional, Susan Maselli, has type O negative blood which is universal. This means it can go to anybody with any blood type.
“I wanted to donate since i have O negative blood,” Maselli said. “I wanted to encourage my son to donate, as well.”
Teachers were also allowed to donate if the height and weight requirements were met.
“I have type O-negative blood so I try to donate often,” teacher Natalie Jenzen said. “It is going to somebody that you know needs it.”
The people you surround yourself with can make an impact on your decision to donate.
“I knew my friends were donating so I decided why not,” senior Nathan Claeys said. “It is not like I was losing anything.”
Since most students do not meet the age requirement, it is essential for staff to donate, as well.
“I’ve donated every year except this since I was busy,” principal Tim Youngblood said. “I was encouraging people to donate by putting the information in the announcement in the weekly newsletters and morning announcements.”
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About the Contributor
Alexa Dawod
Alexa Dawod, Reporter
Alexa is a sophomore at Utica High School. Alexa enjoys films like inception, mid 90s, and impractical jokers. She also enjoys music. Alexa hopes to be successful academically this year. Alexa likes talking to people and just talking in general. In her free time, Alexa likes to read, write, and mostly spend time with family.

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