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The student news site of Utica High School



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Bond projects set to improve traffic flow

New signalized intersection will be added in front of Swinehart Stadium, as well as new Wiley entrance on 21 Mile Road
Utica Community Schools
As part of the Wiley Elementary School Bond Updates, the parking lot will be redesigned, and a new signalized intersection will be added at the entrance/exit to Swinehart Stadium.

Students have noticed more activity than usual across the street from the school at Wiley Elementary, as work has begun on a set of bond issue improvements. While the elementary students are undoubtedly excited about the new playgrounds that will be built, high school drivers, parents, and community members are looking forward to much-needed changes in the parking lot, which causes backups for both schools.

“For those Chieftains who have Wiley Elementary roots, you are well aware of the need,” principal Tim Youngblood said in an email. “In the long term, it also will assist with traffic in and out of Swinehart Field.”

Because the bond was approved by voters, the new projects will start immediately and be ready by the start of the next school year.

Wiley will be constructing a new and improved entrance. The construction will separate parent drop offs, and the bus loop. This will help lessen traffic in the morning and when students are leaving the school.

Installing new playground equipment is just one of the projects that will be completed this summer at Wiley Elementary.

“This will be way easier to leave, sophomore Gevario Habbo said, “I plan on driving to school next year, and it will definitely help when there is less traffic in the parking lot so we can get home quicker.”

Utica will also be adding a traffic light by the stadium, which will help by the junior lot, and make kids get home quicker, and have a lesser risk of getting into a car accident from oncoming cars. There will also be a new entrance by 21 mile, that will lead right to the lot which will help make it easier to enter the lot.

“I think this is a very good idea,” sophomore Melvin Naman said. “I think there will be less accidents in the school, and more students making it home safer and faster.”

New playgrounds will be focused on providing different ways to get students moving, and working together.

“I think this is a great idea, senior Anthony Gammo said, “I have a sibling there, and I think they will have more fun with the new playground and different games.”

Site work is beginning, and the more significant construction will begin when the school year ends. Construction is scheduled to be completed before the start of the next school year.

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About the Contributor
Paul Disho
Paul Disho, Editor
Paul Disho is a Senior at Utica high school. This is his second year in Journalism class. He likes to play and watch basketball. He also likes to hang out with his family and his friends.

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  • N

    NelsonMay 15, 2024 at 10:11 am

    This will be very helpful for us in the net coming years. Hopefully it gets done soon though.

  • G

    Gabriella KirakosMay 15, 2024 at 10:08 am

    I am so glad that they are doing this! I think it will really help with the flow of the parking lot and overall make things a lot better.

  • R

    RobinMay 15, 2024 at 10:07 am

    I feel like in the future this will help a lot, just a shame it couldn’t be while im still in school. Great idea though!

  • N

    NolanMay 15, 2024 at 9:58 am

    This is a great idea, I’m excited to see what happens

  • C

    corbinMay 15, 2024 at 9:53 am

    yeah i agree it should happen.
