The student news site of Utica High School


The student news site of Utica High School


The student news site of Utica High School



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Whole new ball game

Transitioning between club soccer and high school soccer.

You wake up in the morning getting up for school. Today is the day, tryouts begin and the nervous energy begins to surround you and your thoughts. You want impress the coaches and the other girls around you. You step on to Swineheart field and that is where it begins. The girls this season had new challengers many of them incoming freshmen trying to make their mark on the field as a high school player for the first time.

“At first I was nervous to play in high school, but the coaches and other players were so nice and they made me feel so comfortable,” sophomore Gabriella Fontana said. “I felt I had more freedom in high school to do more and skills.”

The junior varsity girls once settled in for a few days start to enjoy the experience overall playing on a new team that they have gone to school together with and new girls from other junior highs as well.

“I felt the team dynamic was awkward at the beginning,” sophomore Liridona Sinishtaj said. ”Although, we got close so fast and we worked really good together.”

The players valued their time together trying to get to know people and what they like to do outside of school. This created a good team bond that lasted throughout the season.

“I enjoyed the bus rides for our away games because I got to socialize with my teammates before games,” sophomore Gabriella Watson said. “It created a good team-bonding experience which helped us on the field. We also braided each other’s hair which was so fun!”

Sophomore Lexi Scholten liked the aspect of being on a sports team where you are united as friends and as classmates.

“I loved hanging out with my friends on the team before practice,” Scholten said. “It was fun to have friends that you go have class with and sports as well.”

There were first year jitters, but the team united and created amazing experiences together, making memories they will never forget.

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About the Contributor
Kara Boice
Kara Boice, Editor
Kara Boice is a sophomore and this is her first year on the newspaper staff. She is also in the yearbook staff as well. She enjoys playing soccer and creating art. Kara has a dog named Otto who is 13 years old. She has attended MIPA over the summer doing the InDesign class. One of her biggest aspirations is to be a teacher.

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