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Defend the Den

Lions show G.R.I.T. making the Final Four
For the first time ever, senior Matthew Hanoush attends a Lions game. “I went to the game against the Seattle Seahawks,” Hanoush said. “The crowd was so loud. We were all coming in this season with high expectations.” Even though the game ended in a 37-31 loss for the Lions, they walked away with their heads held high. Courtesy photo by Matthew Hanoush

This 2023 season has definitely had its ups and downs, but many Lions fans are quite pleased with the outcome of this season.

“I just had a feeling that the Lions were gong to do good this season,” sophomore Lucas Abro said. “Even though it ended with the sad reality that we were not going to make it to the Super Bowl, I can’t wait for next year knowing there is more to come for the Lions.”

Just before the first kickoff of the National Football Conference (NFC) Championship Game, many Lions Fans were filled with nerves they have not felt in 32 years.

“My favorite game of this season has to be the NFC Championship Game,” junior Jake Barg said. “Though it might be strange that it is my favorite game because they lost. We went down fighting, and that’s all that matters.”

While many were devastated by the outcome, another outrage came with their loss against the Dallas Cowboys. During the game, a call was made against the Lions regarding a report that was or was not made to an official.

“It was really frustrating to see the Lions lose two points that would have won the game because of that bad call,” sophomore Emilio Oddo said. “It was a tough loss, but the team was able to learn from the game and still got a good spot in the playoffs.”

The Lions carry many fans hopes with them on the field as they fight through each game. The person that carries their hopes depends on the fan, may that be their favorite player, or the coach.

With an unforgettable season, the Lions are still held in the hearts of fans, optimistic for a chance at the Super Bowl in coming years.

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About the Contributor
Anna Brown
Anna Brown, Editor
Anna Brown is a sophomore, and this is her first year on the Arrow newspaper staff, and Warrior Yearbook. In her freshman year, she was the head, and face, of the Shelby Wildcat announcements. She plans to attend the Michigan Interscholastic Press Association journalism camp at Michigan State and take the social media Class. You may see Anna out on the field, as she takes photos for school and in her free time. 

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  • J

    joseph mansyMay 31, 2024 at 9:02 pm

    I have great hopes for next season. Go Lions!
