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Hooked on Crochet

Juniors take it one stitch at a time
“Seeing it all come together is the best part. I love the process.” – junior Allison Tuttle Photo by: Natalie Garwood
One of her very first projects, junior Gabriella Penksa ever made: Colorful Granny Squares! Courtesy photo by Gabriella Penksa
Giving crocheting a go, junior Allison Tuttle found a pattern for a baby mandrake from Harry Potter; turning out adorable! Courtesy photo by Allison Tuttle

It all started when her mom was teaching her how to knit, but it wasn’t exactly junior Allison Tuttle’s cup of tea.

“When I tried crocheting, though, I loved it,” Tuttle said. “It gave me the creative freedom I needed.”

Like Tuttle, junior Gabriella Penksa also got her start from a relative.

“My grandma was the one that taught me a lot of what I know today,” Penksa said. “The rest, I taught my self.”

Now all they needed was a project to work on.

“My first ever crochet project was a scarf,” Penksa said. “I made a couple of granny squares, a cute summer top, and a shawl.”

Not every project is for everyone, though. Different crocheters prefer to make different things. “My mom loves to make blankets out of crochet, and I gave it a go. As I got farther into the project, I didn’t like it,” Tuttle said. “Blankets can take 50 hours or more, and I would get bored of them easily.”

More Colorful Creations:
Gabriella Penska’s Colorful Bag:
Time: “I worked for 10 hours straight to get this bag done.”
Difficulty: “It was a really easy project. It was just repetitive, as it was all one piece. I used two different yarns at the same time to get the different colors.” Courtesy photo by Gabriella Penksa
More Colorful Creations:
Allison Tuttle’s Pink Dino:
Time: “I expected it to only taking two or three days, but ending up being a month.”
Difficulty: “As long as you know how to single crochet, it’s pretty easy.”
Individual Pieces: “There are 12 pieces that make up the Pink Dino.” Courtesy photo by Allison Tuttle

Tuttle found a pattern for a baby mandrake from Harry Potter, and she began to crochet again.

“It was my first amigurumi, basically a small crochet plushie. Anything amigurumi is my favorite thing to make,” Tuttle said.  “I love the creativity of it. If I want a duck with a donut on its head as a key chain, then I can make a duck with a donut on its head key chain.”

Challenging as it is at times, both Penksa and Tuttle find crocheting to be calming, often taking the time to watch a show or movie as they work.

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About the Contributor
Anna Brown
Anna Brown, Editor
Anna Brown is a sophomore, and this is her first year on the Arrow newspaper staff, and Warrior Yearbook. In her freshman year, she was the head, and face, of the Shelby Wildcat announcements. She plans to attend the Michigan Interscholastic Press Association journalism camp at Michigan State and take the social media Class. You may see Anna out on the field, as she takes photos for school and in her free time. 

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