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The student news site of Utica High School



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Cooking Sensation

Sophomores express themselves through passion for cooking and baking
“I enjoy cooking alone because I can have more control. I am able to make and clean up the mess I made, and in the end, it’s all very soothing.” – Kara Boice, sophomore Courtesy photo by Kara Boice
As a family tradition starts in the Kaczmar family, sophomore Cali Kaczmar prepares the pastry for the night. “My family now cooks pastries almost every day for the dinner table,” Kaczmar said. “I love to make ricotta cheese cookies, and I have to fluff the ricotta cheese for the cookies to be light and fluffy.” Kaczmar’s love for baking is fueled by her family’s consistent cooking.
Courtesy photo by Cali Kaczmar


With a couple of secret spices mixed together, sophomore Alexander Shaba tosses chicken to coat it. “About a year and a half ago I truly started getting comfortable with cooking and moving around in the kitchen, and I’ve been cooking ever since,” Shaba said. “My dad played a big part in my cooking journey, with me at his side when he created dishes. I continue to cook to be able to take things of my mind while making good food.” Shaba enjoys cooking steak and is continuously inspired by his father every single day, bringing delicious food to the dinner table. Courtesy photo by Alexander Shaba

Old recipe cards left by family members or simply experimenting to find your perfect flavor, cooking is a kind of relaxation for many. Baking and cooking is considered a culinary art that many students partake in with interest, whether it be for fun, family, or a professional career.

“Baking is something fun to experiment with,” sophomore Juliana Hebeka said. “I can enjoy cooking on my own or with my friends and family. It’s fun to enjoy different dishes and recipes with your loved ones.”

While many cook for their families, sophomore Sadie Catherwood took her passion outside of her own kitchen table,

“I made a candy cake for a kid in the hospital,” Catherwood said. “I love being able to help people while having fun at the same time. I’m there to bake for everyone that needs my help.”

Baking and cooking can be something that inspires someone to be creative, and push their limits to do amazing things.

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About the Contributor
Anna Brown
Anna Brown, Editor
Anna Brown is a sophomore, and this is her first year on the Arrow newspaper staff, and Warrior Yearbook. In her freshman year, she was the head, and face, of the Shelby Wildcat announcements. She plans to attend the Michigan Interscholastic Press Association journalism camp at Michigan State and take the social media Class. You may see Anna out on the field, as she takes photos for school and in her free time. 

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