As the students wakes up seeing that it is lighter outside and that their clock is wrong, they are hit with the dreaded feeling of daylight savings time ending, as they check to see if they are dreaming, they realize the clocks has been shifted back by an hour.
When day light saving time ends on November 3rd 2024 at 2am clocks are turned back by one hour to 1am which repeats the hour, making sunrise happen earlier and sunset happen sooner, as students and teachers at Utica High School are affected by this change in multiple ways, the original purpose of Daylight-Saving Time is to maximize the use of sunlight during the summer, when the sun rises earlier so farmers could take advantage of it, and now the purpose of Daylight-Saving Time ending now is to align our daytime as the days grow shorter in the winter because of the natural cycle of the earths tilt.
“I don’t think standard time is very useful now, but maybe it was one hundred years ago when farmers used it, but now I don’t think there’s a reason for it.” junior Alexa Dawod said. “I think that switching back to standard time shouldn’t be a thing anymore as I personally find it as more as an annoyance, as it gets darker sooner and it kind of like jetlag in a way.”
When Day light savings time ends, we get an additional hour of sleep, and when it begins, we lose an hour of sleep.
“I think being on daylight savings time is good for peoples moods and morale, as I don’t think it serves the same purpose as it used to serve with our economy, I think more time in the sun puts me in a better mood and I have more energy than I do when it gets dark earlier,” teacher Melissa Kevonian said. “I think that day light savings time should be permanent, and Standard time should be replaced with day light savings time, as nobody wants to get tired at 5pm, and I would say it takes about a week to adjust from day light savings time to standard time.”
Day light saving time ends each year on the first Sunday of November and begins on the second Sunday of March each year.
“I don’t think day light savings time is useful anymore and I also think that we shouldn’t use it anymore, as it isn’t really used by farmers anymore, and I thought the Senate was going to pass a bill to make only one time be used,” senior Mack Keillor said. “I personally think that Standard should be the normal time, and I think that it is harder to get up for work and school after day light savings time ends as I have to adjust to the time.”
In March of 2022 the Senate passed a bill to make Day-Light Saving Time permanent meaning it wouldn’t end; however, the House of Representatives did not ever pick up the measure.
“I choose to believe that standard time is not very useful, I also understand it gives construction workers more time to work, but I still think that day light savings time should permanent, and standard time should be replaced with day light savings time,” teacher Clinton Davis said. “I think that springing forward in the spring affects my “circadian rhythm” like I’m tired the whole week before I adjust, and I don’t think it’s harder to get ready for work if anything tis just being more tired in the adjustment period.”
Theres a common misconception when it comes to daylight savings time and standard and when either one begins and ends. Daylight savings time ends in November and Standard time Starts to replace it, and Standard time ends in March and Daylight savings time starts to replace it. Standard time is when it gets darker sooner and it’s also when clocks are shifted back by an hour. Daylight savings time is when there are more hours of sun in the day and it’s also when clocks are moved an hour forward
“I think standard time is practically useless, and I think day light savings time should be permanent, as who doesn’t think it shouldn’t be permanent,” junior Brendan Silver said. “I think that standard time should be changed to match Day light savings time, I would also say that I prefer day light savings time more than standard time as I have more daylight after school. I think that it’s an annoyance that I have to set my clock again, but the only positive that I do like about is getting an extra hour of sleep.”
Almost all students and teachers at Utica high school aren’t fan of standard time and they think it should be changed to always have daylight savings time as they are a fan of having more daylight after work/school and they mostly favor daylight saving time over standard time. Some Students and Teachers think the opposite and they think that Daylight savings time should be taken out and replaced with standard time.
Sally Klein • Dec 13, 2024 at 5:45 am
I think one time would be better for everyone.
All the time change does is mess with are health for seniors and it is harder to get back to normal life