SSP picnic wraps up school year
Picnic participants gather for a group photo.
June 5, 2017
Sophomores and senior mentors of SSP (sophomore-senior program) gathered May 24 to reflect on their year together. SSP is a program in which senior mentors chosen by the staff, entertain and help sophomores transition to high school. SSP involves three lunches, A lunch, B lunch, and C lunch. They gathered every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to eat lunch together and play team-bonding games.
“I’m going to miss the seniors,” teacher Julie Wright said. “They were good role models and helped a lot with the picnic.”
The picnic combined the three groups as they competed in various activities, and each lunch section brought food for a big meal. Activities involved volleyball, tug of war, egg toss, a game called captain’s calling, and many others.
“I liked being with all of the sophomores and goofing around,” senior Clay Holmes said. “I also liked all of the food.”
For the lunch, each group was responsible for bringing in different foods and drinks. The groups brought in pizza, snacks, desserts, and drinks to share with everyone.
“I enjoyed playing games at the picnic,” sophomore Julia Meguid said. “My favorite game was volleyball and it was a lot of fun.”
Each lunch was represented with different color shirts. A lunch was represented by black shirts, B lunch was represented by white shirts, and C lunch was represented with orange shirts.
As the picnic came to a close, many people emotionally gathered to take pictures and say their goodbyes.