U Read to Succeed night is a success among students

Nicole Mcmenomay, Social Media Editor

March is Reading Month brings events for students across the country to read books in order to encourage reading at school and at home.

Sponsored by Book Club, “U Read to Succeed” night was held on March 14, where students got to pick one of seven books to read and hold their own book club discussion.

The discussion sessions were led by select teachers, with one being assigned to each book.
“[Teacher Jim Vigus] was very insightful,” senior Riley Zuzga said, “…on what he added to [our] conversation.”

All of the books on the selection list ranked as best sellers and include a range of genres such as mystery, thriller, historical fiction, and a memoir.

“Activities like these are important for students,” principal Tom Lietz said. “It brings them together in a way that allows them to talk with their peers about various topics from something that they read.”

Reading Night began at 7 p.m. with students from various English classes meeting in the cafeteria beforehand to enjoy milk and cookies.

Many teachers offered extra credit for attendance or required their classes to read one of the books and participate in discussion.

Senior Ashley Geis read John Green’s “Turtles All the Way Down.”

“I found that I could really relate to the main character,” she said, “and I’m glad I went. It gave me the opportunity to read a book I might not have read otherwise.”