Look at Da Flicka Da Wrist


Jacob Joseph, Copy Editor


As the talent show approached, many were reluctant to show off their hidden talents. Sophomore Josh Essemacher was one of them, reluctant to show off his comedic skills.

At a young age, Essenmacher was diagnosed with a rare birth defect called radioulnar synostosis. It’s a rare congenital difference in which there’s an abnormal bony or soft tissue connection between the two bones of the forearm. Since the bones are fused together, Essenmacher’s wrists and elbows are unable to rotate.

“I have a positive attitude about it,” Essenmacher said. “You can’t fix it, so you might as well embrace it.”

Essenmacher embraced comedy as a form of dealing with his condition, and to encourage others to laugh with him. His favorite comedian is Richard Pryor.

Oliva Adams
Sophomore Josh Essenmacher performs his comedy routine in this year’s talent show.

Deciding on whether or not to partake in the talent show, Essenmacher decided to go for it. He performed his comedy act, telling stories about his difficulties with his wrists and encouraged his audience to laugh with him.

“I wasn’t awfully nervous for the show,” he said. “I was probably more nervous about the audition.”

Audience members were thankful Essenmacher shared his talents at the show.

“I thought that Josh did a really good job, while also having a positive attitude and turning it into something that he is proud of,” senior Ashley Spitzbarth said. “The performance was really funny and I’m proud of him for how great it turned out.”

One proud supporter of Josh is senior Zach Essenmacher, his older brother.

“It’s unfortunate to have a birth defect, but I admire the fact he doesn’t let it bother him and approaches it with a positive attitude,” Zach said. “It inspires me to attack my hardships with the same positive attitude. All in all, Josh has created a message that we should all follow: that no matter what happens you should try approach everything with a positive attitude.”