GRIND DON’T STOP for athletes this summer


Dominic Lount, Guest Reporter

No worries athletes, because although the school year may be over, working out and practicing does not have to stop. A variety of camps will be held over the summer to keep athletes conditioned and ready for next year’s sports.

The most notable and popular camp that takes place is the annual Chieftain Elite Strength and Conditioning Camp. It has conditioning activities and lifts that get athletes of all high school grades stronger, faster, and focused for many of next year’s sports, like football and soccer.

“The goal of Strength and Conditioning Camp,” baseball coach Mark Moehlig said, “is to help kids try to learn to enjoy all the hard work that makes you a better athlete.”

The camp starts at 8:00 in the morning at Swinehart Field and usually runs an hour and a half. It runs three days a week. Students are not lifting and sprinting on their own though, as Utica athletic coaches and athletic alumni are there for student-athletes to rely on.

“My favorite part of Strength and Conditioning is the atmosphere,” sophomore Quincy Kraus said. “The coaches and trainers made it very comfortable to be there and also answered any questions that I had.”

Although the Strength and Conditioning Camp is for all athletes, different conditioning camps are available to help athletes work on a specific sports skill. From volleyball camps to baseball camps to basketball and more, athletes will be ready to go when their specific sports season rolls around.

“I did the volleyball camp,” sophomore Aidan Huyghe said. “It was super fun and really helped me grow as a person.”

Camps take place all summer, both in and out of school. Some camps are overnight, like varsity dance and band camp, condition students at colleges around the state, and allows them to have fun between sessions during their trips.

“It got me stronger,” Kraus said, “and ready for the season.”

The conditioning camp doesn’t just help out the current Utica Chieftains, as there is a K-8 Conditioning camp to help kids focus on the basic fundamentals on how to be a good, balanced, and fast athlete heading into their athletic season.

But no matter what age the athlete is, all of the coaches root for every athlete to try, and to set goals and records for themselves. After all, determination is what makes a good athlete.

“My favorite part about the camp,” Moehlig said, “is watching a kid reach his potential.”

Whether or not you’re in marching band or getting ready to make a game-winning field goal next year, there are plenty of sports camps waiting for every athlete this summer to help avoid the summer slump.