First time voters head to the polls


Abby Jenkins, Reporter

While most students view election day as just a day off of school, high school students 18 years of age and older saw the day as the chance to have their voices be heard. The highly anticipated midterm elections occurred on Nov 6, giving some students at Utica their first opportunity to ever vote in an election.

Before the election, Principal Lietz advised students to go out and vote. He noted that in his remembrance and opinion, this year’s election is the most important election in Michigan history. Lietz urged everyone to vote, as he feels “the voting rate is shameful.”

“Do your research and absolutely vote,” Lietz said. “Make a decision for a reason, not just because you should. You should figure it out [before you go].”

Some students agree with Lietz and headed to the polls, casting their votes in the election. Senior Michael Simopoulos explained why he sees voting as an essential.

“Voting gives me a voice,” Simopoulos said. “It’s good to be heard in the community, and be represented how I see fit.”

Students realize that the voice they get to have is a privilege, and that is why they feel people should exercise this right. Senior Ellie Peplinski reflected this thought, and she also voted in this year’s elections. “I think voting is important,” Peplinski said. “You shouldn’t take advantage of the right we have.”

Younger seniors, like Olivia Fuhrman, wish to be older to participate in voting with their peers.

“I want to vote really bad,” Fuhrman said. “I want to have a say in what’s going on in the world.”

Students at Utica voted to build a better community and a better tomorrow.