Students prepare for NHS induction

116 new members will join National Honor Society

Mackenzie Olmstead, Guest Reporter

Character, leadership, scholarship, and service. These are the four pillars of National Honor Society.

Knowing these four pillars is important if you want to be in NHS. But acting on them is a different story.

For teacher and advisor Linda Kammann, these four pillars mean being helpful.

“I like being able to help people and to be there for them,” Kammann said. “I look at the changes throughout the years, and I’m proud of that.”

New members will be inducted Dec. 13 in the auditorium. The president of NHS, vice president and officers give speeches, and 114 new members will walk across the stage to receive an initiation pin and certificate. They will also receive a yellow flower, symbolic of a lit candle at a ceremony. Inductees are usually juniors, but some seniors can be inducted, as well.

In order to be inducted into NHS, students have to have a 3.45 GPA or higher, and are required to do 25 hours of community service as well as 10 hours of tutoring. Members keep track up all events on a weebly site, and are additionally required to attend monthly meetings.

Vice President of NHS, Julia Meguid, is delivering a speech about scholarship and president, Michael Simopoulos is speaking about leadership.

“You have to be a good person to be in NHS,” Simopoulos said, “but you don’t have to be in NHS to be a good person.”

If someone is interested in becoming the president or vice president of NHS one year, they will have to be elected by other NHS members and give a speech. Members vote for who they want to win and the highest voted candidate wins.

The NHS board members all have different jobs, like Veronica Walters, who is the secretary. The secretary does things like taking notes to make sure everything is up to date.

Another job in the board of NHS is being the publicist. This year’s publicist is Michelle Nabozny. Nabozny is responsible for the adding things to the bulletin boards around the school.

Kammann’s favorite part of induction is being able to sit and watch the new inductees get to experience the ceremony each year.

“I like watching the students walk across the stage and I like being able to show them different opportunities,” Kammann said. “We adopted a family.”

While Kammann’s favorite part of the induction ceremony is watching the students walk across the stage, everyone has their own favorite part.

“I like listening to the speeches,” Meguid said.

“I like the cookies afterward,” Simopoulos said.

However, there is more to NHS then the ceremony, speeches and cookies. NHS not only has an impact on the school, it also has an impact on the community, as well.

“NHS really makes a big difference to the community,” Meguid said, “in a positive way.”