The boys swim team is ready to fight

Nur Awkal

Boys Swim Team poses for a picture

Nur Awkal, Guest Reporter

Senior Ian Wasilewski takes the lead this year in the boys swim team by being the captain.

 Wasilewski helps the team by reminding them when they have practice and swim meets. He takes time out of practice to help struggling athletes with a certain type of stroke or motion. He also hypes all the swimmers up before a swim meet.

“He gives us a pep talk before each swim meet,” junior Dylan Daniels said, “to hype us up”.

In addition to being the leader of the team this year he took the lead in the first relay this season on Dec 11.

“Ian has matured a lot over the years,” junior Cameron Smale said,  “and has become a good leader”.

In addition, the boys swim team only has 12 swimmers. Last year there was over 20 members on the swim team. But, all the boys are able to contribute to the team.

From swimming freestyle to butterfly all the boys will have their own victory.

“My own victory this year,” Daniels said, “is to make the cut for County’s”.

Although there is only 12 swimmers on the team they all are very excited to accomplish their personal goals this season.

“My biggest goal this year,” junior Justin Penzin said,  “is to stay in shape”.

None of these boys have an inch of fear in them. They are all ready to beat the next team that comes to them.

As the buzzer sounds the boys do not fill with fear they fill with adrenaline. They all fight to reach first place over their competitors.  

All the boys feel they will be successful this year.