COVID vaccines released for public distribution

Joshua Rhodes, Reporter

Recently a vaccine for COVID has been released for public use, and opinions on the vaccine differ from person to person.

While some people say they want to get the vaccine as soon as it’s available to them, others are against receiving it.

“I feel that the vaccine is probably very useful for old people,” sophomore Brian Pogasic said, “and will make them a lot less paranoid of losing their life to COVID.”

People are optimistic that wide distribution of the vaccine will create positive changes.

“I think it will have a good effect,” Pogasic said, “because I think things like restaurants and movie theaters are going to start opening back up.”

While many health care workers are required to get the vaccine, most people believe the vaccine should be a choice, and not mandatory.

“I will probably get the vaccine because my job is giving it to us,” Pogasic said. “I think that it should be their choice if they want to get it or not, because they should have the right to not have to get it and put themselves at risk. If other people have the vaccine, then I don’t we should worry about it.”

When vaccines became available to educators, principal Thomas Lietz scheduled his appointment as soon as he could.

“The first round that opened on Monday of last week were gone,” Lietz said. “It opened at 8:30a.m. and were gone by 10a.m.”

The vaccines have been running out very fast due to high demand.

“I think everybody is trying to do their best,” Lietz said, “and it’s a real challenge.”

Principal Thomas Leitz
Leitz gets his first dosage of the COVID-19 vaccination.

Some people are still uncertain about receiving the vaccine for themselves.

“I don’t know if I’ll get one,” sophomore Cole Belisle said, “but others should probably get one.”

There are various reasons some are choosing not to get vaccinated.

“I think the vaccine was too rushed,” sophomore Jenna Zions said, “even though it would be helpful to have a cure for COVID. It would be better to have taken more time on a vaccine and tested it on a larger variety of people to see if there are any side effects.”

People also are scared of the side effects from the vaccine.

“I personally won’t be taking the vaccine yet, but I would like to after more information and research has come out about it,” Zions said, “and I think that people who are already taking it will be helping in some part of COVID research and control.”

Opinions on the vaccine will still be mixed, some will prefer to get vaccinated as soon as possible, some will wait to see how others respond, and others will opt to never get the COVID vaccine. Research and development for the vaccine advances, nonetheless.