Christmas traditions and aesthetics


Alessandra Ivanaj, Reporter

The radio is singing, the lights are up, and the Christmas season is here, and many people are seemingly focused on making the celebration of the birth of Jesus a spectacle. Many people have a variety of traditions and themes that they love to carry out every year.

“Me and my family like lots of colors in the house, we also decorate our tree in silver and blue,” sophomore Teyanna Eades said. “We eat ham and mac and cheese and go to my grandma’s to play games like Uno and watch Christmas movies.”

Although some people’s traditions may be simple, they are the foundation of their Christmas season.

“I just watch movies,” Junior Alisa Muirhead said.

Some traditions are broad and very unique.

We have a very large extended family in this area, so we have this Kimble Christmas party 2 weeks before Christmas,” principal Timothy Youngblood said, “And on Christmas eve we always go to my mom and dad’s.”

People also have their favorite aesthetics that make the yuletide season lively and beautiful.

“I’d like my Christmas tree to be white frosted and decorated with gold,” sophomore Sofia Cvetkovski said, “and a lot of snowmen.”

Whatever your tradition may be, Christmas is always considered a time for family gatherings and loving others.