Nursing Students go to the E.R.

December 5, 2016
While some students may have had surgery, not many can say they’ve watched one. UCS medical health students from Henry Ford II, Eisenhower and Utica had the opportunity to go to Beaumont Hospital of Troy to watch a live surgery. This share time program held at Utica gave these students the opportunity to get a look on what it is like to work in the medical field.
Participating students were able to decide which surgery they wanted to watch. They had the opportunity to see biopsies, colonoscopies or shadow an anesthesiologist.
“I got to watch a lung biopsy,” senior Arlene Carver said. “I’m interested in the medical field, so shadowing these professions made me more interested and excited to get into this field.”
Family members and even TV shows can help spark the interest of becoming a doctor, nurse, pediatrician, etc.
“I got interested in the medical field because of my family members,” senior Jen Uctum said. “Their stories made me even more interested in joining the medical field.”
If they did not go to the surgery in person, the students got to watch a live knee scope online during class. This way they could still experience what it would be like working in the operating room.
The experience proved to be beneficial to each student, whether they witnessed it live or watched the video.
“Going to the live surgery allows the students to see how the operating room is set up,” teacher Melissa Rice said. “This allows them to see occupations they would want to be a part of in the future.”