Conspiracy Theory Club


Abby Jenkins

Every week there’s pancakes!

Abby Jenkins, Guest Reporter

Do you have a spooky or shocking theory? Then come to Conspiracy Theory Club and share your ideas.

Every Thursday at 6:45am, Conspiracy Theory Club meets in Room 141, where students can discuss and share their conspiracies and eat pancakes. Every week the club members pick a new topic for the next week by voting. The club was created by seniors Julez Einkorn, Stephanie Parochetti, and Cassidy Hough.

“We were like chem trails are crazy,” Einkorn said. “And we were like, I wonder if other people believe in this–let’s make a club.”

The girls felt like they had a fantastic idea, but they needed to get approval first.

“We talked to Mr. Lietz,” Parochetti said. “He thought we were insane, but let us do it as long as we got a supervisor.”

The girls got a supervisor, and the club started sharing their conspiracies at the end of October.

“I like that other people share their opinions,” Einkorn said. “You get a lot of freedom.”

Every week the club has the freedom to choose what they want the presenter to present the next week and learn about.

When sophomore Sara Fisher was asked about what she likes best about the club, she agreed with Einkorn about the freedom to share opinions.

“I like the fact that we get to share and debate our ideas,” Fisher said, “especially in a friendly and cool environment.”

Interested? Go to @conspireattheu on Twitter for updates.